Number | Title | Description |
PI202400212 | Productline miss VAT percentage | In specific situations the productline was missing the VAT Percentage, this was blocking the line to be exported by a connector |
PI202400518 | CoC parts of address | CoC information in housenumber and street is corrected |
PI202400563 | New function for date-date difference | A new function in automations is added to calculate to time difference in date/time stamps and return a numeric value |
PI202400670 | Diaply header on mobile | Header displaying is optimized on mobile |
PI202400700 | Field selector | The interface for selecting the fields has been adjusted so that teh fields can be displayed and selected better. |
PI202400742 | Move in configuration fieldlist | Moveing of fields is now also scrolling the fieldlist |
PI202400843 | Mobile scroll issues | Multiple improvements for scrolling on mobile devices in Tribe pages |
PI202400863 | KPI targets not visible when first created as trend | Updated interface to show the KPI targets immediately after creating. |
PI202400877 | PDF generation size limits | Size limit of PDF generation is change to 64 Mb , was 16 Mb. |
PI202400921 | Change subject in header | Subjects can be changed in the header in the new interface |
PI202400952 | Special characters are not supported in contact enrichment | Added support for special characters in analysing email content for contact enrichment. |
Release notes | October 29, 2024